You signed a cleaning contract with a group that seemed legit. Things started off well but then, you noticed a few mistakes here and there. That table wasn’t dusted. One toilet wasn’t cleaned. The rubbish wasn’t emptied. And it becomes worse the more time that passes. Why? What happened?
There are two possible reasons for this, and we will start with the least likely.
Your cleaning company lacks organisational skills. They do not have the management systems in place to ensure an even standard of cleaning every time.
However, much more likely is your cleaning company UNDERBID the job. How does that mean the cleaning becomes worse? Because cleaning works on hours per job. If a cleaning company bids a job, say, once a week for 10 man hours and they need to make $50 an hour to survive, they may think asking $500 a week for the cleaning is too high – and someone else might do it cheaper. So, to get the job they bid $400, or even $350. Their immediate goal is to get the contract and figure things out later.
Once they start working and see the job really does take 10 hours and they aren’t making any money, they will have to cut corners. This saves them time and a 10 hour job becomes an 8 hour job. Instead of making $40 an hour for that job they are now making $50 an hour if they can do it in 8 hours. Of course, the only way to do that is to skip things along the way and hope you won’t notice!
The old adage, you get what you pay for, comes to mind. Remember, you have every right to demand high cleaning standards. A cleaning company is there to clean to your standards, whatever they may be. But cleaners also have to make a living wage to continue to do that. Fair pay for cleaners will ensure you won’t have this hassle and can forget about worrying about a dirty office and get on with your own work.